January 29, 2012

The Book with a Hole

Title: The Book with a Hole
Herve Tullet (Author and Illustrator)

Comprehension Strategy: Questioning                                   
Art Modality: Visual Art

There’s a book and there’s a hole. The hole goes right through the middle of the book...
Sometimes the hole is a magnifying glass to look at bugs. Sometimes it is a pool to jump into, a track to race around or a tropical island. Build your own 3D skyscraper, attach a trunk to an elephant or play basketball with a crumpled sheet of paper...
There’s no limit to the games you can play or the fun you can have...Just don’t fall into the hole!
Packed full with zany drawings and even zanier ideas by best-selling author Herve Tullet, The Book with a Hole is endlessly inventive and bound to enchant children of all ages. (Summary from the book.)

The Book with a Hole
art paper
markers or crayons

It’s my birthday today. So my sweet family took me to the HIGH Museum of Art in Atlanta to see the “Picasso to Warhol” exhibit. Did I leave the museum without visiting the gift shop? Nooooo. Did I leave the gift shop without looking at the children’s books? Noooooo. And did I leave the gift shop without the purchase of a children’s book? Nooooooo.

Chances are you work hard to help your readers interact with a text. With this book, that goal just got a “hole” lot easier. Just look at this spread from inside with the question, “What are you going to cook?”

I don’t even have to suggest the ideas to go with this book...I’ll just hand them to you on a platter.

If you are teaching questioning, simply open up the book and let the children answer the questions or ask new ones. Of course, you’ll want to follow up with some drawing and creative writing. Now there’s a book with a “hole” lot of possibilites!  Enjoy...my dog did!

Another book you’ll want to find by Herve Tullet...


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